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power program from the book "c program. lang." version2, cycle

I am stuck with this line of the code from the "C Programming Language" book - "for (p = 1; n > 0; --n)" - the counter runs from 1 to more than 1, while step is -1. but what is the counter? n itself?

(I used to see for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i)-like structures, so the issue of counter was clear, however in version 2 I encountered that I don't really know what and where the counter is...

From here:

/* power:  raise base to n-th power; n >= 0; version 2 */
   int power(int base, int n)
       int p;
       for (p = 1; n > 0; --n)
           p = p * base;

       return p; 


  • In each iteration n decrements by 1 because of --n, when n decrease to 0 condition n > 0 becomes false and loop breaks.

    for (p = 1; n > 0; --n)
                  |  When n = 0, condition becomes 0 > 0 that is false

    In loop you are multiply p = p * base; evaluates => base * base * base * ...n times => basen.

    p is is for store result at the end p = basen.

    You may like to write it like (a small code, I think bit fast too):

    int p;
    for (p = 1; n--  && (p*=base) ;)
    return p;   

    Edit: comments & answers:

    for (p = 1; n > 0; --n) - when the counter starts?

    Yes n is counter, in for loop we don't need to initialized n. We just initializes p variable with 1 to store result. Value of n comes from function argument. you call your int power(int base, int n); function some where in main, like:

    result = power(3,2);  // here base = 3, and n = 2


    result = power(5,7); // here base = 5, and n = 7

    from n to p (to 1)?

    Loop runs for n to 1 times (not condition is > 0) e.g
    In first example when you call power(3,2);, loop runs for n = 2 to 1. likewise in second call of function power(5,7); loop runs for n = 7 to 1.

    Why we need p here?

    As I have written above in my answer p we need to store result. e.g.

    in loop p initially 1, but in each iteration you multiply p with base value and store result back to p only. e.g.
    for function call power(3,2); loop runs and p calculate like:

    base = 3 , n = 2 p = 1; // initialize

    First iteration:

    condition n > 0 is True because n is 2 (2 > 0). 
    p = p * base = 1 * 3 = 3
    and p becomes 3. 
    Now --n decreases n to 1

    Second iteration:

    condition n > 0 is True because n is 1 (1 > 0). 
    p = p * base = 3 * 3 = 9
    and p becomes 9. 
    Now --n decreases n to 0

    third iteration:

    condition n > 0 is False because n is 0 (0 > 0).  
    condition false so loop breaks  

    return p that is 32 = 9.