I'm loading a .png
file using OpenCV and I want to extract its blue intensity values using thrust library.
My code goes like this:
pointer thrust::device_vector
Now I have a problem in extracting Blue Intensity values from the device vector.
from the main function.Code:
#define ImageWidth 14
#define ImageHeight 10
thrust::device_vector<int> BinaryImage(ImageWidth*ImageHeight);
thrust::device_vector<int> ImageVector(ImageWidth*ImageHeight*3);
struct FetchBlueValues
__host__ __device__ void operator() ()
int index = 0 ;
for(int i=0; i<= ImageHeight*ImageWidth*3 ; i = i+3)
BinaryImage[index]= ImageVector[i];
void main()
src = cvLoadImage("../Input/test.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
unsigned char *raw_ptr,*out_ptr;
raw_ptr = (unsigned char*) src->imageData;
thrust::device_ptr<unsigned char> dev_ptr = thrust::device_malloc<unsigned char>(ImageHeight*src->widthStep);
int index=0;
for(int j=0;j<ImageHeight;j++)
for(int i=0;i<ImageWidth;i++)
ImageVector[index] = (int) dev_ptr[ (j*src->widthStep) + (i*src->nChannels) + 0 ];
ImageVector[index+1] = (int) dev_ptr[ (j*src->widthStep) + (i*src->nChannels) + 1 ];
ImageVector[index+2] = (int) dev_ptr[ (j*src->widthStep) + (i*src->nChannels) + 2 ];
index +=3 ;
Since the image is stored in pixel format, and each pixel includes distinct colors, there is a natural "stride" in accessing the individual color components of each pixel. In this case, it appears that the color components of a pixel are stored in three successive int
quantities per pixel, so the access stride for a given color component would be three.
An example strided range access iterator methodology is covered here.