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Tips for developing in several languages at once

Does anybody have any tips for utilizing multiple languages at the same time? I use objective-c, c, perl, ruby, bash, ksh, rails, and other proprietary languages every day and am finding increasingly difficult to go back and forth between them on a daily basis. As a trivial example when switching between perl and ruby I constantly forget to use semi-colons in perl and find myself using $ for local vars in ruby. Things are even worse going from objective-c to c: I use function calls (instead meesage invocations) in objective-c. Does anybody have any tips on making working in several languages more productive?

For those of you suggesting IDEs as a solution, although I agree in principle with using an IDE to increase productivity. I tend to do all my coding in vi


  • Bullet point summary of things I've tried that have helped me:

    • Whenever reasonable & possible, take a break when you're switching languages
    • Use languages which are synergistic
    • Use consistent coding styles across languages

    More detail from personal experience:

    Switching like this can be very difficult. I've been in similar circumstances - earlier this year I was developing a web app at work with PHP, IDL (Interactive Data Language), JavaScript and some Bash and then doing some projects at home with Python. I found myself making lots of mistakes with syntax when switching from one to another.

    The mistakes happened most commonly at work: E.g. when I'd been doing IDL for a while and then would switch to the PHP, I would forget to put dollar signs on the front of variables and semi-colons at the end of the lines. I didn't seem to have as many problems at home; I believe that was at least partly because it was always a few hours between getting home and starting my Python work, so the break probably helped my brain re-set from the languages I was using at work.

    One thing that can help is finding languages with certain synergies: I've found that I can switch relatively easily between Python and Java ... yeah, I am still more likely to forget semi-colons at the end of my Java lines if I've been doing Python, but the two languages "sync" well in my brain, so switching isn't as difficult as going from Python to Perl, for example. I've also found it relatively easy to switch between Perl & PHP. YMMV, of course, and I expect different people will find synergies between different sets of languages.

    Also, as much as you can, it may help to maintain a consistent coding style between languages. An example: for years I put an opening brace on the line after an if, for, etc. in Java, C, Perl, etc. However, after using Python as my main language for a few years, I've found that I no longer like that style, and have switched to putting opening braces at the end of lines. For me, this has helped create a more consistent appearance across languages, which I find helps ease the switching. Again YMMV.