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How to store a query result set as a 2d array?

I am writing a php script to extract some data from a MYSQL db, then I want to take that data and store it into a two dimensional array. Thinking of it normally, if I use code like this

$test = array();

the output will be:

Array ( [0] => Array ( [hello] => hello ) [1] => Array ( [hello] => hello ) [2] =>
Array ( [hello] => hello ) )

which is how I want my output to be

so this is what I do in my script

So basically in my database I have table with standings for a women's league and the columns are

team_name, played, won, drawn, lost, for, against, points

All the connections have been taken care of successfully, below is my query

$get_ladies_query = "SELECT 
`team_name`, `played`, `won`, `drawn`, `lost`, `for`, `against`, `points` 
FROM `standings_ladies` order by pos";

An important point to not before I show the next code is that, there are 2 other standings tables, men_senior and men_intermediate with the same structure but obviously only the data changes, below are the two queries just incase

$get_mens_inter_query = "SELECT 
`team_name`, `played`, `won`, `drawn`, `lost`, `for`, `against`, `points` 
FROM `standings_men_inter` order by pos";

    $get_mens_senior_query = "SELECT 
`team_name`, `played`, `won`, `drawn`, `lost`, `for`, `against`, `points` 
FROM `standings_men_senior` order by pos";

Now I create 3 arrays which I want to hold standings seperately for the ladies, mens senior, mens intermediate

$standings_ladies = array();
$standings_men_inter = array();
$standings_men_senior = array();

The data I want displayed in the array is like so

1=>array(team_name,wins,drawn,lost,for,against,points)) and so on

Now since I wanted to create the multidimensional arrays of standings for all 3 categories, I could have run the queries in 3 separate while loops altough I thought, I could accomplish the same result in 1 and i felt it would help improve performance. If its better to use 3 while loops, please let me know, what I tried is below.

//I run the 3 queries and store them in the given variables
$result_mens_senior = mysqli_query($link,$get_mens_senior_query);
$result_mens_inter = mysqli_query($link,$get_mens_inter_query);
$result_ladies= mysqli_query($link, $get_ladies_query);

//I want to create 1 while loop so based of the results returned from the 3 
//queries so based on the results returned from the 3 queries, 
//I get the max number of times I want the query to run
$ladies_boundary = mysqli_num_rows($result_ladies);
$mens_senior_boundary = mysqli_num_rows($result_mens_senior);
$mens_inter_boundary = mysqli_num_rows($result_mens_inter);
$max_size = max(array($ladies_boundary,$mens_senior_boundary,$mens_inter_boundary));

//set an index to start from 0
$index = 0;

//I will only show the example for 1 of the arrays but you get an idea
that this issue will occur for all
while ($index < $max_size)
//first, everytime the loop is entered, we need the next row to be fetched
    $standings_men_inter_table = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_mens_inter);
    $standings_ladies_table = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_ladies);

//there is a high chance that the other two tables return a different row size
//so its best to check that we do not go beyond
if($index < $mens_senior_boundary)
            //we fetch the rows every time we enter the block
            $standings_men_senior_table = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_mens_senior);

            //then, this is how I attempt at creating the 2 dimensional array
        array_push($standings_men_senior, array(

//incrementing index each time the loop runs


Then finally, I just want to print what I think is the array but get this, attached image, hope you can see it clearly enter image description here

Just to investigate even further, every time, the 'if' block is entered, I just commented everything out and just put this to see what was being returned

if($index < $mens_senior_boundary)

The output I got was almost 90% what I need

([team_name] => Morley Gaels [played] => 8 [won] => 6 [drawn] => 2 
[lost] => 0 [for] => 110 [against] => 83 [points] => 14 ) 
Array ( [team_name] => Southern Districts [played] => 8 [won] => 3 [drawn] => 2 
[lost] => 3 [for] => 104 [against] => 98 [points] => 8 ) 
Array ( [team_name] => St Finbarrs [played] => 8 [won] => 3 [drawn] => 2 
[lost] => 3 [for] => 107 [against] => 99 [points] => 8 ) 
Array ( [team_name] => Western Shamrocks [played] => 8 [won] => 3 [drawn] => 0 
[lost] => 5 [for] => 96 [against] => 88 [points] => 6 ) 
Array ( [team_name] => Greenwood [played] => 8 [won] => 1 [drawn] => 1 
[lost] => 9 [for] => 82 [against] => 109 [points] => 3 )

What I need is for example:

([team_name] => Morley Gaels [played] => 8 [won] => 6 [drawn] => 2 
[lost] => 0 [for] => 110 [against] => 83 [points] => 14 )
([team_name] => Southern Districts [played] => 8 [won] => 3 [drawn] => 2 
[lost] => 3 [for] => 104 [against] => 98 [points] => 8 )..... so on);

My questions are

  • What is wrong with my code and what is the correct way to dynamically create multidimensional arrays in php ?
  • Is there something I have not understood about how mysql_fetch_assoc works and how it returns ?
  • Anything to improve, anything I am doing wrong ?

I appreciate your time, than you for reading it, I tried to be as detailed as I can about what I have tried.


  • Try this

    After you do this:

    $result_mens_senior = mysqli_query($link,$get_mens_senior_query);
    $result_mens_inter = mysqli_query($link,$get_mens_inter_query);
    $result_ladies= mysqli_query($link, $get_ladies_query);

    just do this

    while ($standings_men_senior[] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_mens_senior)){}
    while ($standings_men_inter[] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_mens_inter)){}
    while ($standings_ladies[] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_ladies)){}

    Basically all of the posted code should be able to be replaced with:

    $ladies_query = "SELECT `team_name`, `played`, `won`, `drawn`, `lost`, `for`, `against`, `points` 
    FROM `standings_ladies` order by pos";
    $inter_query = "SELECT `team_name`, `played`, `won`, `drawn`, `lost`, `for`, `against`, `points` 
    FROM `standings_men_inter` order by pos";
    $senior_query = "SELECT `team_name`, `played`, `won`, `drawn`, `lost`, `for`, `against`, `points` 
    FROM `standings_men_senior` order by pos";
    $ladies_stmt = mysqli_query($link, $ladies_query) || die ("Couldn't get Ladies"); // reminds me of high school
    $inter_stmt  = mysqli_query($link, $inter_query)  || die ("Couldn't get Inter");
    $senior_stmt = mysqli_query($link, $serior_query) || die ("Couldn't get Seniors");
    $standings_men_senior = array();
    $standings_men_inter = array();
    $standings_ladies = array();
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($senior_stmt)){
        $standings_men_senior[] = $row;
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($inter_stmt)){
        $standings_men_inter[] = $row;
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($ladies_stmt)){
        $standings_ladies[] = $row;