I have two entities, View
and Location
Each View
can have a Location
In my view I thus have:
class View
//..... Other Stuff.....
* @ManyToOne(targetEntity="Location", inversedBy="views")
private $location;
//...setters and getters....
public function setLocation($location){
$this->location = $location;
and then for my Location
class Location
//.....other stuff.....
* @OneToMany(targetEntity="View", mappedBy="location")
private $views;
public function __construct() {
$this->created = $this->updated = new \DateTime("now");
$this->views = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
// .... Getters and Setters ....
But when I try and do this:
$this->pageview = $this->em->getRepository('Entities\View')->find(1);
$this->location = $this->em->getRepository('Entities\Location')->find(1);
Or even when I create new entities:
$pv = new Entities\Pageview;
$lc = new Entities\Location;
Doctrine never sets the location_id in the database (it is always NULL).
I've checked the SQL queries and they're not even being attempted at being set, all I'm getting is:
INSERT INTO View (field1, field2, created, updated) VALUES ('val1', 'val2', '2013-07-17T12:10:56+01:00', '2013-07-17T12:10:56+01:00')
No reference to locations whatsoever...The weird thing is I can update field1 and field2 fine...and all other relations are working throughout my application...I just can't get views and locations to work...
I have the exact some code working now on another computer. I don't know why it wasn't working, but I just moved the files back and restarted my computer and now it is...cacheing problem I guess?
Restarted my computer and the problem got solved...I don't know why it was going wrong!
Maybe something to do with caches or proxies...I dunno...