I'm using iBatis/Java and Postgres 8.3.
When I do an insert in ibatis i need the id returned.
I use the following table for describing my question:
CREATE TABLE sometable ( id serial NOT NULL, somefield VARCHAR(10) );
The Sequence sometable_id_seq
gets autogenerated by running the create statement.
At the moment i use the following sql map:
<insert id="insertValue" parameterClass="string" >
INSERT INTO sometable ( somefield ) VALUES ( #value# );
<selectKey keyProperty="id" resultClass="int">
SELECT last_value AS id FROM sometable_id_seq
It seems this is the ibatis way of retrieving the newly inserted id. Ibatis first runs a INSERT statement and afterwards it asks the sequence for the last id.
I have doubts that this will work with many concurrent inserts.
Could this cause problems? Like returning the id of the wrong insert?
( See also my related question about how to get ibatis to use the INSERT .. RETURING .. statements )
This is definitely wrong. Use:
select currval('sometable_id_seq')
or better yet:
INSERT INTO sometable ( somefield ) VALUES ( #value# ) returning id
which will return you inserted id.