I need to make prediction for a next point, based on given set of point samples on 2-d coordinate system.
I am using Best-Fit Straight Line method for such prediction.
Please let me know if there is method better than Best-Fit Straight Line?
My code is below:
public class LineEquation
public double m; //slope
public double c; //constant in y=mx+c
public class Point
public double x;
public double y;
public class BestFitLine
public Point[] points = new Point[7];
public void InputPoints(Point[] points)
for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
points[i] = new Point();
points[0].x = 12;
points[0].y = 13;
points[1].x = 22;
points[1].y = 23;
points[2].x = 32;
points[2].y = 33;
points[3].x = 42;
points[0].y = 23;
points[4].x = 52;
points[4].y = 33;
points[5].x = 62;
points[5].y = 63;
points[6].x = 72;
points[6].y = 63;
public LineEquation CalculateBestFitLine(Point[] points)
double constant = 0;
double slope=0;
for (int i = 0; i < points.Length - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < points.Length; j++)
double m = (points[j].y - points[i].y) / (points[j].x - points[i].x);
double c = points[j].y - (m * points[j].x);
constant += c;
slope += m;
int lineCount =((points.Length-1)*points.Length)/2;
slope = slope / lineCount;
constant = constant / lineCount;
LineEquation eq = new LineEquation();
eq.c = constant;
eq.m = slope;
return eq;
If your x coordinate is composed of dates, you can rely on generalized additive models with the following components : - trend - yearly profile - weekly profile - daily profile
GAM models are available in R, so I would advice you to use JRI in order to interface your java code with R.