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How to use 'Action Bar Style Generator' with ActionBarSherlock?

I don't understand what I've to do in my project when I've downloaded my .zip in the awesome tool

I've all resources, but I think I have to do some modifications in my styles.xml & themes.xml in addition to put theses resources in my project ?

My resource suffix is *_test

Thanks a lot for your answers :)


  • but I think I have to do some modifications in my styles.xml & themes.xml in addition to put theses resources in my project ?

    That depends on what you have done so far, prior to using the generator.

    The generator should have given you styles_test.xml files, probably in res/values/ and res/values-v14/. These will define a theme, Theme.Test.

    If presently your theme for your application (or individual activities) in the manifest is a standard ActionBarSherlock theme (e.g., Theme.Sherlock), just change it to reference your newly-generated Theme.Test, and you should be good to go.

    If, on the other hand, you have already been working on a custom theme for other things, then you will need to decide for yourself how best to blend in what is found in Theme.Test into your own custom theme. For example, you might have your custom theme set Theme.Test as the parent theme.