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esri JavaScript API symbolize layers

I have a working application here:

I'm using the JavaScript API with ArcGIS Online. I have a bunch of layers loaded and pre-symbolized in an AGOL 'Web Map'.

I'd like to be able to customize the symbology of each layer dynamically using JavaScript. I'd ideally like to use a renderer and be able to create a different symbology for each demographic variable.

I've run into a major brick wall. To be able to change the symbology, I need to be able to iterate through graphics in a feature set - yet I have no idea where to get a feature set object from. All the examples I see use 'Feature Layers' loaded through URLs.


  • I think first you need to get the layer from the webmap:

    var featureLayer = mapObject.getLayer(layerName)

    Then you can query the featurelayer, which will return a featureSet.

    Here is an example:

    var query = new esri.tasks.Query();
    query.outFields = ["*"];
    featureLayer.queryFeatures(query, function(featureSet) {
        //do something with the featureSet here!