I have a similar table structure to the following:
primary key(a_id)
primary key (b_id),
foreign key (a_id) references Table_A(a_id)
There is a one to many relationship between Table_A and Table_B. My question is, if I have an entity for each of these tables, where:
is it possible to annotate these entities in a way where I can persist a Table_A entity and the process will implicitly persist all Table_B entities with the value of the new generated Table_A primary key a_id.
Thanks in advance.
Here is what I have essentially . But I get the below exception. Looks like Table_B is being persisted prior to Table_A, therefore no a_id value exists.
public class Table_A {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "a_id")
private Integer id;
@OneToMany (cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST)
private List<Table_B> bList;
private String data;
public class Table_B {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "b_id")
private Integer id;
private String data;
ERROR: null value in column "a_id" violates not-null constraint Detail: Failing row contains (null, Testing, 16)
Yes, with a cascade set to PERSIST
on the OneToMany association.
Note that you shouldn't have aId in the B entity. Either make the association bidirectional, and have a field of type TableA, or leave it unidirectional and don't have any field in B mapped to a_id.
EDIT: AFAIR, you need to tell Hibernate that the column is not null, else it tries to insert everything first, and then populate the foreign keys:
@OneToMany (cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST)
@JoinColumn(name="a_id", nullable=false)
private List<Table_B> bList;