I've done some research on this error, but haven't found anything helpful yet. I'm running Windows 7 64-bit and am attempting to commit to a repo through Subclipse. The error just started popping up randomly, as I had done many commits in a row without issue up to it. I can't think of anything that has changed.
Most importantly, I'm wondering what effect this error has on me. As in: is my work getting committed successfully even with the error? If my work is being committed, what is the problem? And of course, I would like to know what the resolution is, if there is one. Thanks.
is my work getting committed successfully even with the error?
Yes. You have troubles with post-commit hook, which fired after adding transaction as new revision into repository
If my work is being committed, what is the problem?
Problem is post-commit hook, which exit with code 1 == Error (for some reason) instead of 0 == OK
I would like to know what the resolution is, if there is one.
Find used hook, read source, define why exit 1
was used for (some?) commits. Maybe disable hook at all