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Access level to Database::$db must be public

I am getting the following error:

PHP Fatal error: Access level to Database::$db must be public (as in class phpLive) in C:\Users\ryannaddy\Documents\NetBeansProjects\phpLive\plugins\Database\Database.plugin.php on line 92

Fatal error: Access level to Database::$db must be public (as in class phpLive) in C:\Users\ryannaddy\Documents\NetBeansProjects\phpLive\plugins\Database\Database.plugin.php on line 92

Part of class phpLive.php. This is how my Database::$db property gets created. As you can see it is a dynamically created property. I then use __get() to access the property like in my next block of code.

class phpLive{
    public function loadPlugin($class, $info){
        $this->functionName = __FUNCTION__;
        $info               = (object)$info;
        $file               = $this->location . "/plugins/" . $info->root . "/" . $info->fileName;
            require_once $file;
            $instance                   = (string)$info->instanceName;
            $info                       = (isset($info->information)) ? $info->information : "";
            $reflection = new ReflectionClass($class);
            $this->$instance = $reflection->newInstanceArgs(array($info));
            $this->extension[$instance] = $this->$instance;
            return $this->$instance;
        return false;

    public function __get($name){
                if(array_key_exists($name, $this->extension)){
                    $ret = $this->extension[$name];
                    $ret = false;
        return $ret;

Note: $class and $info are loaded from a config file that looks like this:

$plugins = array(
    "Database" => array(
        "root"         => "Database",
        "fileName"     => "Database.plugin.php",
        "instanceName" => "db",
        "sessionRef"   => "db",
        "information"  => array(
            "dbtype"   => "mysql",
            "hostname" => "localhost",
            "database" => "test",
            "username" => "root",
            "password" => "xxx",

This is how I use the property db


require_once '../../phpLive.php';

$live->db->select("select * from users where fname in(?,?)", array("Billy", "Bob"))->each(function($col, $name){
    echo "here";

So, the method select is in class/file Database.plugin.php which extends phpLive

class Database extends phpLive{
    public function select(){
        $info = $this->queryinfo(func_get_args());
        $this->query($info->query, $info->args);
        return $this;

The select works fine, but as soon as I add the each method (found in the phpLive class) I get the above error. What can I do to make this work?


  • There must be a private variable named $db in file Database.‌​plugin.php or its children class.