I am using a JTable whose TableModel is periodically updated through fireTableDataChanged()
. These changes are usually pretty small, such as a single row added or modified, however I can't predict where it will happen.
Is there a way to know which rows have been added or modified on a fireTableDataChanged()
? I would like to highlight these rows so the user will know as well.
First off, you must setup your context as appropriate for Swing: the TableModel must have enough knowledge/control about itself to fully comply to its notification contract. That is it must fire row-/cellUpdated or rowsInserted whenever such a change happens.
Then the basic approach to highlight changes (for a certain time) in the JTable is to
SwingX simplifies (biased me :-) the rendering part by providing Highlighters and HighlightPredicates: the former do custom visual decorations when the latter decides they should be turned on. The above approach would be adjusted to
Below is some code, the management of the timers/predicates factored into a class called ChangeDecorator: it keeps one Highlighter for decorating updated cells and one for decorating inserted rows (Note: this is an example, obviously the logic must be extended to cover updated rows :) It's fed by a modelListener with changes and updates the predicates as needed.
JXTable table = new JXTable(model);
final ChangeDecorator controller = new ChangeDecorator();
TableModelListener l = new TableModelListener() {
public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) {
if (TableUtilities.isUpdate(e)) {
Change change = new Change(e.getFirstRow(), e.getColumn());
} else if (TableUtilities.isInsert(e)) {
Change change = new Change(e.getFirstRow());
* Manages the Highlighters for inserted rows/updated cells.
public static class ChangeDecorator {
private List<Change> changes;
private AbstractHighlighter update;
private AbstractHighlighter insert;
private Highlighter compound;
public ChangeDecorator() {
changes = new ArrayList<>();
public Highlighter getChangeHighlighter() {
if (compound == null) {
update = new ColorHighlighter(new ChangePredicate(changes, true),
Color.YELLOW, null);
insert = new ColorHighlighter(new ChangePredicate(changes, false),
Color.GREEN, null);
compound = new CompoundHighlighter(update, insert);
return compound;
public void addChange(Change change) {
startTimer(change, change.isCell ? update : insert);
private void startTimer(final Change change, final AbstractHighlighter hl) {
hl.setHighlightPredicate(new ChangePredicate(changes, change.isCell));
ActionListener l = new ActionListener() {
boolean done;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (!done) {
done = true;
((Timer) e.getSource()).stop();
hl.setHighlightPredicate(new ChangePredicate(changes, change.isCell));
Timer timer = new Timer(2000, l);
* A predicate enables highlighting a cell if it
* contains a change for that cell.
public static class ChangePredicate implements HighlightPredicate {
private List<Change> changes;
private boolean matchCell;
public ChangePredicate(List<Change> changes, boolean matchCell) {
this.changes = new ArrayList(changes);
this.matchCell = matchCell;
public boolean isHighlighted(Component renderer,
ComponentAdapter adapter) {
return changes.contains(createChange(adapter));
private Change createChange(ComponentAdapter adapter) {
int modelRow = adapter.convertRowIndexToModel(adapter.row);
if (matchCell) {
int modelColumn =
return new Change(modelRow, modelColumn);
return new Change(modelRow);
* A crude class encapsulating a cell change.
public static class Change {
int row;
int column;
boolean isCell;
public Change(int row) {
this(row, -1, false);
public Change(int row, int col) {
this(row, col, true);
private Change(int row, int col, boolean update) {
this.row = row;
this.column = col;
this.isCell = update;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof Change)) return false;
Change other = (Change) obj;
return row == other.row && column == other.column && isCell == other.isCell;