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Processing JSON using rjson

I'm trying to process some data in JSON format. rjson::fromJSON imports the data successfully and places it into a quite unwieldy list.

y <- fromJSON(file="")
List of 3
 $ soc                : num 6145
 $ breakdown          : chr "region"
 $ predictedEmployment:List of 7
  ..$ :List of 2
  .. ..$ year     : num 2014
  .. ..$ breakdown:List of 12
  .. .. ..$ :List of 3
  .. .. .. ..$ code      : num 1
  .. .. .. ..$ name      : chr "London"
  .. .. .. ..$ employment: num 74910
  .. .. ..$ :List of 3
  .. .. .. ..$ code      : num 7
  .. .. .. ..$ name      : chr "Yorkshire and the Humber"
  .. .. .. ..$ employment: num 61132

However, as this is essentially tabular data, I would like it in a succinct data.frame. After much trial and error I have the result:

y.p <-,lapply(y[[3]], function(p) cbind(p$year,,lapply(p$breakdown, function(q) data.frame(q$name,q$employment,stringsAsFactors=F))))))
  p$year          q.employment
1   2014                   London     74909.59
2   2014 Yorkshire and the Humber     61131.62
3   2014     South West (England)     65833.57
4   2014                    Wales     33002.64
5   2014  West Midlands (England)     68695.34
6   2014     South East (England)     98407.36

But the command seems overly fiddly and complex. Is there a simpler way of doing this?


  • I am not sure it is simpler, but the result is more complete and I think is easier to read. My idea using Map is, for each couple (year,breakdown), aggregate breakdown data into single table and then combine it with year.

    dat <- y[[3]]
    res <- Map(function(x,y)data.frame(year=y,
    ## transform the list to a big data.frame,res)
       year code                     name employment
    1  2014    1                   London   74909.59
    2  2014    7 Yorkshire and the Humber   61131.62
    3  2014    4     South West (England)   65833.57
    4  2014   10                    Wales   33002.64
    5  2014    5  West Midlands (England)   68695.34
    6  2014    2     South East (England)   98407.36