I'm using AXIS 2 to call WS methods using a stub called ChannelConnectServiceStub.
Generating stub and the ConfigurationContext :
public class TestWSClient {
private void init() throws Exception {
String proxyUrl = "http://subdom.dom.com/testpath/TestConnect.asmx";
ConfigurationContext ctx = ConfigurationContextFactory.createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem("/rootFolder/Axis2/axis2-1.4.1/repository", "/rootFolder/Axis2/axis2-1.4.1/conf/axis2.xml");
ChannelConnectServiceStub channelConnectServiceStub = new ChannelConnectServiceStub(ctx,proxyUrl);
ctx.setProperty("testid", "testidval"); // Approach 1
channelConnectServiceStub._getServiceClient().getServiceContext().setProperty("testid", "testidval"); // Approach 2
And I'm using a LogHandler to log the Message requests and responses.
LogHandler :
class LogHandler extends AbstractHandler implements Handler {
public InvocationResponse invoke(MessageContext messageContext) throws AxisFault {
String testID = null;
String invokeStr = null;
String axisService = null;
String action = null;
invokeStr = messageContext.getEnvelope().toString();
axisService = messageContext.getAxisService().getName();
action = messageContext.getAxisMessage().getAxisOperation().getInputAction();
testID = (String) messageContext.getProperty("testid");// Approach 1
testID = (String) messageContext.getServiceContext().getProperty("testid");// Approach 2
return InvocationResponse.CONTINUE;
I want to pass a property ("testid") from the point that I creating and calling the stub to the LogHandler class. I have mentioned two approaches that I've taken.
Both are passing the value. But the problem is, there are multiple client threads using the same TestWSClient to use the service. So, different values that are setting by different clients are getting interchange when it came to the LogHandler. (But invokeStr, AxisService and action don't have this issue).
I tried below one also but failed since operationContext
is NULL.
OperationContext operationContext = stub._getServiceClient().getLastOperationContext();
logger.info("operationContext : " + operationContext);
if (operationContext != null) {
MessageContext outMessageContext = operationContext.getMessageContext("Out");
if (outMessageContext != null) {
logger.info("outMessageContext.getEnvelope().toString() : " + outMessageContext.getEnvelope().toString());
outMessageContext.setProperty("Portal", getPortal());
MessageContext inMessageContext = operationContext.getMessageContext("In");
logger.info("inMessageContext : " + inMessageContext);
if (inMessageContext != null) {
logger.info("inMessageContext.getEnvelope().toString() : " + inMessageContext.getEnvelope().toString());
inMessageContext.setProperty("Portal", getPortal());
Make sure to get singleton instance of ConfigurationContext.
when you do setProperty and getProperty from ServiceContext note that you are obtaining a shared copy of Property object per jvm, so instead of "testid" key, use a unique key,
ex: In client side code after stub initialization instead of,
.setProperty(stub._getServiceClient().getServiceContext().getName(), "testidval");
and to retrieve the property, in loghandler use the same key (the msgContext.getServiceContext().getName()
is unique per flow)
Instead of
also note as you are storing values on a jvm shared Property object, to avoid memory growth remove the value once its no longer needed.