My program uses windows media player in C# so that I can play almost any sound file. Some sounds need to play in succession, one after the other. The only way I could think to do that was with playlists, but I can't figure out how to clear the playlist between calls to the windows media player.
How can I play sounds, one after the other, in windows media player, without running into problems from previous playlists?
My code:
WMPLib.IWMPPlaylist playlist = axWindowsMediaPlayer1.playlistCollection.newPlaylist("myplaylist");
WMPLib.IWMPMedia media;
foreach (string question in questionURL)
media = axWindowsMediaPlayer1.newMedia(question);
media = axWindowsMediaPlayer1.newMedia(answer);
axWindowsMediaPlayer1.currentPlaylist = playlist;;
axWindowsMediaPlayer1.playlistCollection.remove(playlist);\\one of my many failed attempts at clearing the playlist. It doesn't throw an error, it doesn't clear the playlist either.
See PlaylistCollection.remove().
So I think you could remove the playlist with:
Then simply create it again:
playlist = axWindowsMediaPlayer1.playlistCollection.newPlaylist("myplaylist");