I'm trying to write a custom reporter that will output the intern test results to a file, but I've reached a roadblock.
I managed to get hold of the Node file system API via Intern's dojo loader, but neither writeFile or writeFileSync do anything (the difference being that writeFileSync locks up the process).
A minimal version of my reporter code:
define(["node_modules/intern/node_modules/dojo/node!fs"], function (fs) {
var buffer = "";
return {
"/test/pass": function(test) {
buffer += test.id + " passed\n";
"/test/fail": function(test) {
buffer += test.id + " failed\n";
"/runner/end": function () {
fs.writeFileSync("result.txt", buffer, function (error) {
if (error) {
throw error;
console.log("File saved");
If I replace the write call with a console log, I get the expected data, so everything else appears to be working fine.
Edit: Modified code that works:
define(["node_modules/intern/node_modules/dojo/node!fs"], function (fs) {
var buffer = "";
return {
"/test/pass": function(test) {
buffer += test.id + " passed\n";
"/test/fail": function(test) {
buffer += test.id + " failed\n";
"/runner/end": function () {
fs.writeFileSync("result.txt", buffer);
console.log("File saved");
Yes, it is possible to write files from reporters—the lcov
reporter does exactly this. However, until Intern 1.2 is released, asynchronous I/O operations have the potential to not complete properly because the process is forcibly terminated at the end of the test run.