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How to use PushSharp with simple project

I get the feeling that this question is either too basic or too complex to be covered by any documentation on pushSharp. But how exactly do I incorporate it into my project. I am used to Java/php, etc and have never really looked at C# before. I have been reading whatever I can find but am not really sure what I should be looking at.

I have an ashx file that is handling my ajax calls and is currently using the example code from to send push notifications. I would really like to incorporate pushSharp so that I can do this for ios and windows as well but am feeling a bit lost as to how to do this.

With Java I would compile the library as a jar and include that in a project. Would I do the same here by compiling the whole pushsharp project as a dll or each folder (android/ios etc) or have I got this completely wrong? Any suggestions, or pointing me to the relevant tutorials/documentation would be greatly appreciated.


  • Thanks @k3b did some research on this without considering pushsharp as being any different and got it resolved. thanks.