I have a textarea that receives inputs in ALL CAPS, which is fine for most users. Some users need the text represented in a normalized fasion - with the first letter of each sentence capitalized and the rest lowercase.
I tried to adapt some suggestions from other SO threads, but somethings is missing. Help please!
<input value="Select all" onclick="javascript:this.form.finaltext.focus();this.form.finaltext.select();" type="button">
<input value="Clear All" onclick="this.form.finaltext.value=''" type="button">
<input value="Normalize text" type="button" id="normalize">
<a href="#" id="copy-textarea"><input type=button value="Copy to Clipboard"></a><br>
<textarea id="finaltext" cols="80" rows="50"> </textarea>
$('#normalize').click(function capitalizeSentences(){
var capText = $("#finaltext").val();
capText = capText.toLowerCase();
capText = capText.replace(/\.\n/g,".[-<br>-]. ");
capText = capText.replace(/\.\s\n/g,". [-<br>-]. ");
var wordSplit = '. ';
var wordArray = capText.split(wordSplit);
var numWords = wordArray.length;
for(x=0;x<numWords;x++) {
wordArray[x] = wordArray[x].replace(wordArray[x].charAt(0),wordArray[x].charAt(0).toUpperCase());
if(x==0) {
capText = wordArray[x]+". ";
}else if(x != numWords -1){
capText = capText+wordArray[x]+". ";
}else if(x == numWords -1){
capText = capText+wordArray[x];
capText = capText.replace(/\[-<br>-\]\.\s/g,"\n");
capText = capText.replace(/\si\s/g," I ");
UPDATE 1 Now the script works.
NEW QUESTION How can I manipulate the logic in the .replace brackets for the following situation:
The text area I want to allow "normalization" is in the following format:
with a dash, space and ALL CAPS text. The .replace logic seems to only look for the first character in the string, but I would like it to treat each line (starting with the dash) separately and only leave the first letter thereafter capitalized.
I'm taking the suggestion below and posting the corrected code that solved my click problem - credit to Ross:
I needed to wrap my script in a window.load function to include the function in the DOM after rendering.