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How is the final price calculated when group prices are used?

I am facing a problem regarding prices per group in magento. I'm using version, occurs in a manner to be expected that I put a lower value to any customer group, but if I put a value above it ignores, or takes the original.

I will try to exemplify:

1. Case 1: (functional)

The value of my Product is 20:00; Group on Price to have a certain group value 10.00; In this case it works normally.

2. Case2:

The value of my Product is 20:00; Group on Price to have a group value of 30.00; No longer works as expected, he'll take the "30.00" 20.00 as meaning he does not interpret the rule groups.

Could someone help me understand what happens?


  • All kinds of specialprices are ment for discounts only. Magento takes the lowest price after evaluation all discount types. This includes special prices, tier prices or catalogrules for examples. See Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type_Price::calculatePrice for further reference.