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jquery validate when changing tab without submit

I have a form with 4 tabs and I want to be able to validate the current tab before it switches to the new tab when the user clicks on any other tab. This is what I have so far:

            beforeActivate: function(event, ui) {

                var tab = ui.oldTab.index();
                var valid = true;

                if (tab == 0 && ($('#txbYPSchool').val() == "" || $('#txbYPSubjectDesc').val() == "")) {

                    valid = false;

                if (!valid) {
                    //alert('not valid');

                else {

The above function prevents the user from selecting a different tab if some fields are not filled in. I also have validate function setup as follows:


            rules: {

                txbYPSchool: { required: true, nowhitespace: true },
                txbYPSubjectDesc: { required: true, nowhitespace: true }


            messages: {

                txbYPSchool: "*This field is mandatory. If not in school, type 'Not in School'",  
                txbYPSubjectDesc: "*This field is mandatory"


            ignore: ""

How can I get the validation to run and display the error messages when a user tries to change tabs when there are incomplete fields still on the present tab? I want to be able to do this without a button click and only when a user tries to change tabs but I dont know how to incorporate the validation function into the first function.

Am using jquery 1.9.1 and the latest validation plugin.



  • You can possibly use the plugin's .valid() method.

    Replace this...

    if (!valid) {

    with this...

    if !($("#form1").valid()) {

    Then since the plugin is checking validity, you can get rid of all this...

    var valid = true;
    if (tab == 0 && ($('#txbYPSchool').val() == "" || $('#txbYPSubjectDesc').val() == "")) {
       valid = false;