I have a form with 4 tabs and I want to be able to validate the current tab before it switches to the new tab when the user clicks on any other tab. This is what I have so far:
beforeActivate: function(event, ui) {
var tab = ui.oldTab.index();
var valid = true;
if (tab == 0 && ($('#txbYPSchool').val() == "" || $('#txbYPSubjectDesc').val() == "")) {
valid = false;
if (!valid) {
//alert('not valid');
else {
The above function prevents the user from selecting a different tab if some fields are not filled in. I also have validate function setup as follows:
rules: {
txbYPSchool: { required: true, nowhitespace: true },
txbYPSubjectDesc: { required: true, nowhitespace: true }
messages: {
txbYPSchool: "*This field is mandatory. If not in school, type 'Not in School'",
txbYPSubjectDesc: "*This field is mandatory"
ignore: ""
How can I get the validation to run and display the error messages when a user tries to change tabs when there are incomplete fields still on the present tab? I want to be able to do this without a button click and only when a user tries to change tabs but I dont know how to incorporate the validation function into the first function.
Am using jquery 1.9.1 and the latest validation plugin.
You can possibly use the plugin's .valid()
Replace this...
if (!valid) {
with this...
if !($("#form1").valid()) {
Then since the plugin is checking validity, you can get rid of all this...
var valid = true;
if (tab == 0 && ($('#txbYPSchool').val() == "" || $('#txbYPSubjectDesc').val() == "")) {
valid = false;