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How do you shutdown a WPF app when the "X" button is clicked

I'm new to WPF and have noticed that my application keeps running after I click the "X" button to exit the window. I've programmed GUI's before, so I know that this is common. However, when I look into the issue, whatever solutions I find do not seem to make any sense.

I've found this Applicaton.ShutdownMode solution, but it seems like I am not implementing it correctly. I want my application to shutdown "OnMainWindowClose". This is a question that is pretty much the same as mine that I don't think was explained clearly enough in the accepted answer.

Following the Application.ShutdownMode solution, I have this in my MainWindow.xaml file:

<Window x:Class="CartToolsPrototype1.Window1" Background="White"
    Title="{DynamicResource CartTools}" Height="802" Width="950" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" >


The compiler gives me an error that says, "All objects added to an IDictionary must have a Key attribute or some other type of key associated with them." What exactly am I doing wrong here, and how can I correctly implement my shutdown function?

Thank you.


  • You don't put Application tag into your Window. In your solution you have app.xaml where you should put your:


    and quoting MSDN:

    MainWindow is automatically set with a reference to the first Window object to be instantiated in the AppDomain.