I'm playing around with Restler3 (really awesome!) and noticed a problem. So, the index() function should list all rows of a table, that's correct, right? I'm doing it that way: index() lists all rows of a table. But the client doesn't support to load an JSON object that's maybe about 50k rows big.
I think you can see the problem: I want to split that up in parts of maybe 50 rows. That would mean:
My question is now: What's the best solution for that splitting? What do you think about my example? Can Restler already do such things?
Thank's for reading. Maybe you know something. Just answer…
This is a common problem faced by many API's see how twitter, Facebook and all are handling it
Googling about API pagination
will also help
I suggest you add 2 optional parameters such as limit
and offset
and use them in your query
On the api side you may specify limit = 50, and offset=0 and also set the minimum and maximum for limit using a comment such as {@min 10}{@max 100}
then client wont be able to tax your server with big queries