So I have this button listener and when I compile it I get an incompatible type error. It says that a string is required and an object is found. Everything is imported. The MapCreator method creates a HashMap. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Also this class is a subclass of my GUI class and MapCreator is a class in a separate file but in the same folder.
private class searchListener extends MapCreator implements ActionListener{
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
Map urls = MapCreator();
String input = textfield.getText();
String key = urls.get(input);
JFrame error = new JFrame("Error");
JLabel mesasge = new JLabel("This word does not exist");
}catch(FileNotFoundException s){
Parametrize the Map
Map<String, String> urls = MapCreator();
The get()
method of a raw Map
returns an Object