I have noticed for a while that Joomla´s build in modal popup "sbox" moves the background (the entire body of the site) ca. 10 pixels to the right when I open a popup window. When I close the popup window the page is shifted back 10 pixels to the left.
You can see the problem on this page: http://www.traelastogbyggemarked.dk/vaerktoj/arbejdsbeklaedning/traesko/euro-dan-pu-finer-toffel-sort-detaljer
Just click on the product image and you can see the background moving.
I have noticed this on other sites aswell, for instance on this page page: http://demo.joomlaxtc.com/free/index.php/modal-box-plugin
click on the demo link "Click Here"
The problem appears to be present in all browsers. As far as I know the sbox modal popup is a part of Joomla´s build-in mootools core. My site is running Joomla 2.5
Does anyone know how I can change this behavior and stop the modal popup from moving the background?
Check the modal.css and look for this:
/* Hides scrollbars */
.body-overlayed {
overflow: hidden;
Try without it.