I am using handsontable for creating a CRUD (create read update delete) interface for my databases which now require these two things.
rows/cells which are changed
(and not the whole data set)load more data
from database (as new records are added) or refresh changed rows
So I added a field name modified as timestamp (INT)
to database so that data can be refreshed at user side by checking this modified field, and it is INT so that TZ value can be added as per user. See here http://demo.mgvz.com/.twilio/loader.pl and now I am stuck at that I want to modify this INT to add TZ value and to covert it to date-time format within handsontable
. (Can't do it server side) If it can be modified by way of function within handsontable, else the only option is to modify it before giving it to handsontable.
Second, I have to add rows which are created on server
and update rows which are changed on server
, without effecting other unchanged rows, (a user might be editing other rows), and to maintain sorting while adding the rows.
Can anyone guide me about it.
To update data, have a look at setDataAtCell
setDataAtCell (row: Number, col: Number, value: Mixed, source: String (Optional))
To add new rows created on server, have a look at the alter
alter ('insert_row', index: Number, amount: Number (Optional), source: String (Optional))
You can find more detailed description of those 2 methods here
So to update something that was changed on server:
$container.handsontable('setDataAtCell', rowIndex, colNumber, "New Value");
And to add new:
var rowIndex = 2; //You will need to determine this to maintain sorting, or set to null to add as last row.
var numberOfRows 1; //Only adding one row at a time
$container.handsontable('alter', 'insert_row', rowIndex, colNumber);
//After row is added you can update the values of each column using setDataAtCell as per above
$container.handsontable('setDataAtCell', rowIndex, 1, "FirstName");
$container.handsontable('setDataAtCell', rowIndex, 2, "LastName");
//One line for each column or have a look at the setDataAtCell method for alternative option
You may enocunter issues if the user is for example editing values that need updating, or what happens if you add a row while user is editing?
I hope any of this helps