Using nanohttpd, I have created a webpage that has buttons on it, when the buttons are clicked I make a ajax get call to nanohttpd with a different URI.
The different buttons on the screen send different values for the parms.
But it seems like I am only able to send 6 ajax calls before the server stops seeing the requests and I need to reload the page.
I thought it maybe to do with caching, but the same thing happens even when I pass a random number as parm and as part of the URI.
I see this same behavior on my phone as I do with my PC.
Looking at the developer tools in Chrome, I can see the requests being sent out, but they remaining are pending (while the first 6 returned instantly)
Does anyone know am I running into some form of limit or if i need to kill any connections etc?
As I mentions in the comment above I hit that concurrent ajax limit
I did not need any response from the server so I was responding with a new Response("")
once i started responding with some content the issue was fixed