I need for my next project a little better Look and Feel than that which java originally provide. I choosed to dive into SeaGlass L&F which seems to be pretty nice. However I encountered the problem. I can't prevent user of app from resizing and maximazing my JFrame. From what I found it is well-known issue in SeaGlass and it will be fixed in 2.1 version (what its stated here). Unfortunately, last available version is 2.0 and it looks like this project is abandoned - last update is one year old. My question is: is there any work-around to stop user from resizing my JFrame? Maybe something with Mouse Listener?
FYI setUndecorated(true); is not working too.
I have figuered it out.
JFrame must implement ComponentListener and in overridden componentResized method you must put that code:
setSize(410, 240);