How could I fill a QMap value with a QPixmap and create that variable at the same time?
It's really hard for me to explain
What I currently have:
QMap<QString, QPixmap> slot_pic;
slot_pic["block1damage0"] = (QPixmap)b1d0(":/textures/blocks/textures/blocks/stone.png");
I get an error saying that QPixmap b1d0 is an undeclared identifier.
Obviously, I COULD do this:
QPixmap b1d0(":/textures/blocks/textures/blocks/stone.png");
slot_pic["block1damage0"] = b1d0;
The problem is I have around 400 of these, and I already gave each QPixmap a path, so I don't want to write everything again -_- It would be GREAT if I could fill the map as I am declaring each QPixmap path.
Thanks for you time. Feel free to comment as many questions as you like :)
Get rid of b1d0. Just create a temprary QPixmap and let the assignment operator of QPixmap run its course.
QMap<QString, QPixmap> slot_pic;
slot_pic["block1damage0"] = (QPixmap)(":/textures/blocks/textures/blocks/stone.png");