I have Samsung SDK 4.1 installed. It gives me three Samsung TV emulators:
2011, 2012 and 2013.
Emulators 2011 and 2012 work fine.
Emulator 2013 crashes.
I do not want to waste more time trying to make 2013 work. Instead I would like to use 2012.
How can I configure Eclipse Samsung Smart TV IDE to use 2012 emulator instead of 2013?
Thank you!
I already wasted my time to stop crash in 2013 emulator. You must have the 32 bit version of the trio OS , JDK and Samsung SDK.
So i created virtual machine via VMWare player and installed 32 bit windows 7, then I installed respectively ( jdk , directx 11 , Samsung SDK ). It works finally.
I don't know how to configure eclips to run 2012 instead, but i think you have two options till you find a configuration somewhere to point to 2012 emulator.
Option 1 : Put your app in < sdk root folder >/app then go to start menu , open 2012 emulator , click open app button , select your app.
Option 2: Try uninstall SDK then install it again excluding 2013 emulator in the setup wizard.