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How to fix AlloyUI modal always showing up below diagram canvas?

I'm trying to use AlloyUI diagram and modal together like so:

var Y = YUI().use(
function (Y) {
    var availableFields = [{
        iconClass: 'aui-diagram-node-start-icon',
        label: 'Start',
        type: 'start'
    }, {
        iconClass: 'aui-diagram-node-task-icon',
        label: 'Task',
        type: 'task'

    var diagram = new Y.DiagramBuilder({
        availableFields: availableFields,
        boundingBox: '#myDiagramContainer',
        srcNode: '#myDiagramBuilder'

    var modal = new Y.Modal({
        bodyContent: 'Modal body',
        centered: true,
        headerContent: '<h3>Modal header</h3>',
        modal: true,
        render: '#modal',
        width: 450


but modal is always showing up below the diagram no matter what value I set for z-value's. HTML file is structured as such:

<div id="myDiagramContainer">
    <div id="myDiagramBuilder"></div>

<button id="showModal" class="aui-btn">Show Modal</button>
<div class="yui3-skin-sam">
    <div id="modal"></div>

What am I missing?

(jsfiddle here)


  • I was playing with z-index attributes in css files but I wasn't able to fix the problem. Today I found a zIndex attribute for modals in js which seems to do the job:

        var modal = new Y.Modal({
            bodyContent: 'Modal body',
            centered: true,
            headerContent: '<h3>Modal header</h3>',
            modal: true,
            render: '#modal',
            zIndex: 1100,
            width: 450