I have a jsfiddle here - http://jsfiddle.net/stevea/QpNbu/3/ - that collects the outerHTML
for all elements that have class='active'
. What amazes me is that even if I comment out some of the HTML, as in:
<!-- <div>'Some inner text'</div> -->
still brings it back! This can't still be in the DOM so I'm wondering where outerHTML
is looking.
Thanks for any insight.
Comments in HTML are surprisingly, in fact, part of the DOM! If you look in this screen shot here:
You'll see the google chrome web inspector renders it as part of the DOM (notice how the bottom bar shows it as a child of div#box1.active
as well.)
For more concrete documentation, if you look at the possible Node.nodeType
s for DOM nodes on MDN, you'll see that the COMMENT_NODE
is one of the valid types.
W3 also defines the Comment interface for the DOM:
This interface inherits from CharacterData and represents the content of a comment, i.e., all the characters between the starting '<!--' and ending '-->'. Note that this is the definition of a comment in XML, and, in practice, HTML, although some HTML tools may implement the full SGML comment structure.