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Anchor buttons in a dialog when using SW_MAXIMIZE

This should be a simple one:

I have a CDialog with 2 buttons. The dialog is always opened in full screen (No title bar \ Status, etc...) using m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(SW_MAXIMIZE);

I want my buttons to snap to the edge of the screen.

There are no resizing or anything.


  • You know the width of the dialog (GetClientRect). You know the width of the buttons.

    Assuming you are snapping to the right edge ...

    Inside your CDialog::OnSize:

     // Grab the CDialog's rect.
     CRect winRect;
     GetClientRect( &winRect );
     // Grab the button's rect.
     CRect buttonRect;
     button.GetClientRect( &buttonRect );
     // Now we need to set the top, left of the button to the right edge - the button width.
     // The y position will remain the same.
     button.SetWindowPos( NULL, winRect.right - buttonRect.Width(),, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE );