I am programming a method to obtain the result of an integral of a function of two variables, above one of the variables. The result is therefore a function of the other variable. I am using a numerical method to construct the result in intervals, for each one of that I store in a position of a vector of the type Func<double, double>
. I want to sum up all the positions in the vector, and I don´t know how can i implement the Sum method of the vector of Func<double,double>
to reach that.
Anyone can help me? We need something like obtain m:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Func<double, double>[] l = new Func<double, double>[2] {(x) => x, (x) => x +1};
Func<double, double> m = l.Sum<>...;
Do you mean something like this?
Func<double, double>[] l = new Func<double, double>[2] {(x) => x, (x) => x + 1};
Func<double, double> m = x => l.Sum(f => f(x));
For example, m(5)
→ l[0](5) + l[1](5)
→ (5) + (5 + 1)
→ 11