While dragging the perspective tool bar to a different place in eclipse Juno, my eclipse got hang, and after restarting eclipse, the perspective bar gone.
I tried googling but didnt find a solution to display that bar again. Anyone got a solution?
There are two things you can try:
- Reset your current perspective (Window/Reset perspective...). Although your configured set of views will get lost, it might bring back the perspective switcher.
- If that does not work, then you should reset the entire saved workbench GUI. This can be done by deleting the .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.workbench/workbench.xmi file from your workspace folder, or by starting eclipse with the -clearPersistedState
Point 2. assumes, that in case of Juno you are using Eclipse 4.2 (the new GUI, not 3.8, the old).