There are already several questions about the MessagingFormat in general, but I haven't found anything yet that answers my question. I'm aware, that single quotes will break the pattern. If you use MessageFormat or Log4j something like "doesn't" can break possible placeholders.
Simple example:
public void test() {
String pattern = "{0} doesn't show values ( {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} )";
final Object[] args = { "Testpattern", 100, 200, 300, 400 };
System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(pattern, args));
pattern = pattern.replaceAll("(?<!')'(?!')", "''");
System.out.println("Replaced singlequotes: " + MessageFormat.format(pattern, args));
Testpattern doesnt show values ( {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} )
Replaced singlequotes: Testpattern doesn't show values ( 100, 200, 300, 400 )
So, if I replace all single quotes using a regular expression, it will work. I just made up the regular expression trying to only replace "single singlequotes" using regular expression lookahead/lookbehind.
Regular expression replace examples:
doesn't -> doesn''t
doesn''t -> doesn''t
doesn'''t -> doesn'''t
I just wonder, if any apache-commons utility (or any other library) exists, which will handle the "escapeSingleQuotes" for me instead of providing my own regular expression...?
Since I haven't found another API which would provide the escaped Singlequote (' -> '') I will stay with my regular expression.