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TicTacToe win conditions problems

New programmer here, writing a Tictactoe game using Java on Eclipse.

I have problems with my win conditions I think. It comes up with the error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at Game.NoughtsCrosses.( at Game.Main.main(

Here is my win conditions bit. It's not well made imo, but I'm having problems when compiling. Can anyone spot why? Ty!!

I have squares set up in a 3x3 grid, 0 -> 8. Each button has its own text which is set to X or O when clicked by each player.

winconditions code:

if (square[0].getText().equals(square[1].getText()) && square[1].getText().equals(square[2].getText()) != square[0].getText().isEmpty()) {
    win = true;

Full Pastebin of code

Thanks again :) Any questions, I can elaborate :D


  • Well I took the code that you provided and after significant finagling was able to make a fully functioning Tic-Tac-Toe game. You were mostly on the right track with what you were doing you just needed to first begin with a design.

    In my NoughtsCrosses class I have the following:

    • class Action implements ActionListener
      • This has a JButton attribute that I pass in through a constructor
      • In the actionPerformed
        • set the text
        • disable the button
        • increment the counter
        • check if someone wins
          • If there is a winner or draw game ends set the "Play again?" text
          • else call the changeTurn function
    • class Reset implements ActionListenter
      • This has a JButton attribute that I pass in through a constructor
      • In the actionPerformed
        • I call the resetGame function
    • function changeTurn
    • function resetGame
    • function checkForWinners

    as a hint, this is my implementation of the Action class and an example of the constructor I mentioned

    class Action implements ActionListener{ 
     private JButton button;
     public Action(JButton button){ 
      this.button = button; 
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 
       boolean gameOver = checkForWinners(); 
        newgame.setText("Play again?"); 

    a call like new Action(square[i]) is what you need to make this work. Note: the resetButton is of the Reset class I mention above much like the Action class it has the same construct that I passed newgame into.