Following statement works fine when typed in CMD
wmic /node:IP /user:Someuser /password:PWD Process Call Create "cmd /c echo 'Required_Info' %SystemDrive% %SystemRoot%"
I am trying to excecute the same through java process builder. Here is the code.
//some code
String wmic_cmd = "Process Call Create";
String wmic2 = " \"cmd /c echo 'Required_Info' %SystemDrive% %SystemRoot% \"";
/*debug and checked the value of cmdTokens array - it was
[wmic, /node:, /user:Someuser, /password:PWD, Process Call Create, "cmd /c echo 'Required_Info' %SystemDrive% %SystemRoot% "]
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmdTokens.toArray(new String[]{}));
Process proc = pb.start();
When i check the error stream of proc i get the following -
Process Call Create - Alias not found.
This indicates a syntax error for WMIC. So Something is going wrong while sending the command string array to process builder.
Any ideas??
Given your command line and what you want to do, this is not how to do it. Use:
final List<String> cmd = Arrays.asList("wmic", "/node:IP", "/user:Someuser",
"/password:PWD", "Process", "Call", "Create",
"cmd /c echo 'Required_Info' %SystemDrive% %SystemRoot%"
// build processBuilder using cmd.toArray(new String[cmd.size()]) as a command
The quotes around the cmd /c echo etc
are there to prevent the command interpreter to separate arguments. No need to replicate them when you pass raw arguments, and this is what you use with a ProcessBuilder