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Create my own strlen and substring functions

I am trying to create my own strlen and substr functions and I have 1 problem.
for example, let say I have the string ABC, my strlen will return 3, let say I want to cut this string from 0 to 1 its should return to me A,but I get some trash values, if I insert the substr to a new char and check the length I will recieve 14.
this is my code:

int len(char *w){
    int count=0;
    int i=0;
    while (w[i]!='\0')
    //cout<<"Length of word is:"<<count<<"\n";
    return count;


char *subs(char *w,int s,int e){
    int i,j;
    int size=0;size=(e-s);
    //cout<<"new size is:"<<size<<"\n";
    char *newW=new char[size];


    return newW;


int main(){
    char* x="ABC";
    //int v=len(x);
    char *n=subs(x,0,1);
    cout << len(n);
    for(int g=0;g<len(n);g++)

    return 0;

I would like to get some comments what I did wrong, Thanks!


  • Change your condition loop for for(i = 0, j = s ; j < e && w[j] != '\0'; i++, j++) and you need to allocate size +1 since you have to add a \0 at the end of the string.