Is there something like in-place AND and OR operators for bools in c++, along this line?
bool someOk=false;
for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
(I know I can write someOk=someOk||funcReturningBoolOnSuccess(i)
, but it is not as pretty).
The answer will be short: no, the C++ syntax does not allow such structure.
You have to use:
something = something || something_else;
However.... if your function returns bool on success (as in, true on success)... Why don't you just use the following?
someOk = funcReturningBoolOnSuccess(i);
Will it not return false on failure anyway? Seems illogical.
Why don't you just do:
bool someOk=false;
for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
if (funcReturningBoolOnSuccess(i)) {
someOk = true;
A lot more efficient :)