When I try to compile the code I get an error that says else without a previous if:
// Fibonacci series using recursion
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int fib (int n);
int main()
int n, answer;
cout << "\n\n\t\tEnter number to find: ";
cin >> n;
cout << "\n\n";
answer = fib(n);
if(n < 3 && n > 1)
cout << answer << " is the " << n;
cout << "nd Fibonacci number\n";
if(n < 3)
cout << answer << " is the " << n;
cout << "st Fibonacci number\n";
cout << answer << " is the " << n;
cout << "rd Fibonacci number\n";
cout << answer << " is the " << n;
cout << "th Fibonacci number\n";
return 0;
int fib (int n)
cout << "Processing fib (" << n << ")... ";
if (n < 3)
cout << "Return 1!\n";
return 1;
cout << "Call fib(" << n-2 << ") ";
cout << "and fib(" << n-1 << ").\n";
return(fib(n-2) + fib(n-1));
You're missing accolades (curly brackets) after your if:
if(n < 3 && n > 1)
cout << answer << " is the " << n;
cout << "nd Fibonacci number\n";
if(n < 3)
if(n < 3 && n > 1)
cout << answer << " is the " << n;
} // end of if
cout << "nd Fibonacci number\n"; // always executed
{ // new anonymous block
if(n < 3)