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Password Regex with XRegExp

I have a client-side validation regex for a password field which should allow alphabets in all languages supported by Unicode.

This is the existing regex for password:


I am using the XRegExp library, and i have tried modifying the regex to include \p{L} but I am unable to get it to pass for passwords like "Ss!11111".

Below is my modified regex:


I know this question might seem stupid, but i currently have very little time to experiment with this regex. Would be really helpful if someone helped me out and pointed me in the right direction.


  • You need to double all the backslashes:


    Also, I'm not sure of that regex makes much sense. Is this really what you want:

    (?=^.{8,21}$)  # Assert length 8-21 characters (why only 21?)
    (              # Group 1:
     (?=.*\\d)     # Assert at least one digit in the string
    |              # OR
     (?=.*\\W)     # at least one non-alnum character in the string
    )              # End of group 1
    (?![.\\n])     # Assert that the *first* character isn't a dot or newline (??)
    (?=.*\\p{L})   # Assert at least one letter in the string