I'm trying to develop an alarm history structure to be stored in non-volatile flash memory. Flash memory has a limited number of write cycles so I need a way to add records to the structure without rewriting all of the flash pages in the structure each time or writing out updated pointers to the head/tail of the queue.
Additionally once the available flash memory space has been used I want to begin overwriting records previously stored in flash starting with the first record added first-in-first-out. This makes me think a circular buffer would work best for adding items. However when viewing records I want the structure to work like a stack. E.g. The records would be displayed in reverse chronological order last-in-first-out.
Structure size, head, tail, indexes can not be stored unless they are stored in the record itself since if they were written out each time to a fixed location it would exceed the maximum write cycles on the page where they were stored.
So should I use a stack, a queue, or some hybrid structure? How should I store the head, tail, size information in flash so that it can be re-initialized after power-up?
See a related question Circular buffer in Flash.