My app's text editor lets a user open and edit files, I want to open the file as a new tab in the TabHost so multiple files can be open. How do I add an EditText to a newly created Tab? This is what I tried in my onCreate()
TabHost tabHost=(TabHost)findViewById(;
EditText editor = new EditText(this);
TabSpec spec1=tabHost.newTabSpec("Tab 1");
spec1.setIndicator("Tab 1");
I assume the problem is `spec1.setContent(editor.getId());
You try to set an id (which was not defined by the way) as a layout id. It won't work that way. Try:
TabHost tabHost=(TabHost)findViewById(;
EditText editor = new EditText(this);
TabSpec spec1=tabHost.newTabSpec("Tab 1");
if this is what you want. You can also try:
TabHost tabHost=(TabHost)findViewById(;
final EditText editor = new EditText(this);
TabSpec spec1=tabHost.newTabSpec("Tab 1");
spec1.setContent(new TabHost.TabContentFactory(){
public View createTabContent(String tag){
return editor;