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QBXML, QGFC - How do I retrieve Service Item Descriptions

I am attempting to retrieve Service Items from Quickbooks.

When retrieving ItemInventoryRetList, I get some properties to work with, including SalesDescription.

ItemInventoryRetList does however not return Service Items.

When running an ItemNonInventryRetList or ItemServiceRetList, I don't get any Description properties from QBFC classes.

Looking at the response, I see it looks like I have to access the SalesorPurchase. aggregate to get at the description.


  • Alright, got it sorted. Seems the On Screen Reference REALLY is your friend...

    QBFC already builds the properties when the RetList is populated. Nice... I was under the impression I had to iterate through a "list" of sub aggregates/nodes in the RetElement.

    Using the following, works a charm.

    RetListObject(withid).name.GetValue (etc)
    'Sub Properties in Response