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ServiceStack ResolveService

So my problem revolves around calling apphost.ResolveService described in the url below: Calling a ServiceStack service from Razor

I am in my _Layout.cshtml

And obviously the following code works perfectly, but as suggested in the answer in the above url it is sort of silly

SMSGateway.Services.EntityCollectionResponse response = 
    new ServiceStack.ServiceClient.Web.JsonServiceClient(

So that gives me a list of Entities :) But not optimal... so here is my attempt to do it in the correct way

var response = ConsoleAppHost.Instance
            new SMSGateway.Services.EntitiesRequest());

// SMSGateway.Services.EntityCollectionResponse response =
//     base.Get<SMSGateway.Services.EntityService>().Get(
//         new SMSGateway.Services.EntitiesRequest());

foreach (var entity in response.Result)
        <a href="@entity.MetaLink.Href">
            @Html.TitleCase(entity.Name) entities

Okay so the error I get is the following :

error CS0122: ConsoleAppHost is inaccessible due to its protection level....

Is this expected? I was pondering if this was not a case where I might not be allowed to call this in the _Layout.cshtml file?

Further reading brought me to the article InternalVisibleTo Testing Internal Methods in .NET 2.0

Which I found very interesting :P But no cigar :)


  • I would recommend you not calling services in a Razor template. A Razor template should be used only to render some markup from a model.

    The actual data access should be performed in the ServiceStack service that rendered this template. So in your case you could call another service from the operation:

    public object Get(SomeRequestDto message)
        var response = this
            .Get(new SMSGateway.Services.EntitiesRequest()
        return response.Rersult;

    or you might leave the container to inject the dependent service into the current service so that you don't even need to be using some service locator anti-patterns.

    public SomeService: Service
        private readonly EntityService entityService;
        public SomeService(EntityService entityService)
            this.entityService = entityService;
        public object Get(SomeRequestDto message)
            var response = this.entityService.Get(new SMSGateway.Services.EntitiesRequest()
            return response.Rersult;

    and then your Razor view will of course be strongly typed to the corresponding model:

    @model IEnumerable<WhateverTheTypeOfTheResultYouWannaBeLoopingThrough>
    foreach (var entity in Model)
            <a href="@entity.MetaLink.Href">
                @Html.TitleCase(entity.Name) entities