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error 404 in user's my account magento

I am creating a module for creating new tab in User's myaccount. I have successfully added a tab named "My Special Products". Problem is that when i click on that tab it's redirect to 404 error page. I am not able to getting the problem.

My layout xml(customtabs.xml) code is:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<layout version="0.1.0">
    <!-- Mage_Review -->
    <reference name="customer_account_navigation" before="-" >
        <action method="addLink" translate="label" module="customer">
            <label>My Special Products</label>

<customer_account translate="label">
 <label>Customer My Special Products</label>
    <update handle="customer_account"/>
     <reference name="my.account.wrapper">
        <block type="customer/newtab_newtab" name="customer_newtab_newtab" template="customer/newtab/newtab.phtml"/> 

My template page is at template\customer\newtab\newtab.phtml

My config.xml for module "Customtabs" is :

<?xml version="1.0"?>


Any one can help me where is the problem.


  • You set url for this tab as <url>customer/newtab/</url> so, you should have controller of newtab somewhere,

    1. First you need to add <routers> part in your module's config.xml, put this in <frontend>.

    2. change <url>customer/newtab/</url> to <url>customtabs/newtab</url> in customtabs.xml file. also put,

          <update handle="customer_account"/>
           <reference name="my.account.wrapper">
              <block type="customer/newtab_newtab" name="customer_newtab_newtab" template="customer/newtab/newtab.phtml"/> 
    3. create a controller at code/local/Fishpig/Customtabs/controllers/NewtabController.php

    4. in that your code should be

      class Fishpig_Customtabs_NewtabController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
          public function indexAction()
                  return false;
              $this->getLayout()->getBlock('head')->setTitle($this->__('My Special Products'));
    5. Add a block file as app/code/local/Fishpig/Customtabs/Block/Customtabs.php

    and put there code,

    class Fishpig_Customtabs_Block_Customtabs extends Mage_Core_Block_Template
        public function _prepareLayout()
            return parent::_prepareLayout();
        public function getCustomtabs()     
            if (!$this->hasData('customtabs')) {
                $this->setData('customtabs', Mage::registry('customtabs'));
            return $this->getData('customtabs');

    and change your block type in your customtabs.xml file

    <block type="customtabs/customtabs" name="customer_newtab_newtab" template="customer/newtab/newtab.phtml" />