I am attempting to follow this example and leverage a shim to remove the external dependency on a WCF service call which is called from the method I am executing the unit test on. Unlike the example, I generate my WCF client on the fly using code similar to this:
ChannelFactory<IReportBroker> factory = new ChannelFactory<IReportBroker>("ReportBrokerBasicHttpStreamed", new EndpointAddress(this.CurrentSecurityZoneConfigurationManager.ConfigurationSettings[Constants.ConfigurationKeys.ReportBrokerServiceUrl]));
IReportBroker proxy = factory.CreateChannel();
How do I adapt that example to shim the proxy returned back by the CreateChannel method? I am assuming that in the ShimWCFService class, I need to add something like....
ShimChannelFactory<TService>.AllInstances.CreateChannel = (var1) => { return [instance of a mock object]};
However, I am unsure of how to associate a mock object of <TService>
with that shim as the return value.
You need to shim the factory for every type parameter. Assume you have the three Service contracts 'IService0' 'IService1' and 'IService2'.
Then you need to setup the shims like this:
ShimChannelFactory<IService0>.AllInstances.CreateChannel = (_) => { return new Service0Mock(); }
ShimChannelFactory<IService1>.AllInstances.CreateChannel = (_) => { return new Service1Mock(); }
ShimChannelFactory<IService2>.AllInstances.CreateChannel = (_) => { return new Service2Mock(); }