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boost::spirit optional parsing into a fusion adapted structure

If there's a structure

struct price
   int chicken;
   int cow;
   bool in_stock;
   std::string place;

which is adapted using boost::fusion. If there's a need to parse it, but optionally for in_stock and place. e.g.

template <typename it, typename skipper = qi::space_type>
struct p : qi::grammar<it, price(), skipper>
    p() : p::base_type(p_instance)
        using namespace qi;
        psr %= int_ > int_ > -bool_ > -('"' > char_ % ',' > '"');
      qi::rule<it,price(),skipper> limit;

However, this does not work. There's an exception thrown, if an input is "2 3 \"Chili\"". What is a solution?


  • Firstly

    I guess you're having a few too many > expectation points, which could/should be >> sequence operators.

    I'd say, make your grammar more explicit, e.g. by saying

    bool_ | attr(false)

    to ensure that if bool_ fails, there will be a resulting attribute value of false exposed. This way, the exposed attribute is bool, instead of boost::optional<bool>, which is more compatible with the target struct (price).


    template <typename It, typename Skipper = qi::space_type>
        struct parser : qi::grammar<It, price(), Skipper>
        parser() : parser::base_type(start)
            using namespace qi;
            in_stock = bool_ | attr(false);
            start    = int_ > int_ > in_stock > -('"' >> char_ % ',' > '"');
        qi::rule<It, price(), Skipper> start;
        qi::rule<It, bool()> in_stock;



    ('"' > char_ % ',' > '"')

    will only ever match string like "a", "b,c,d" etc. If you wanted "Chili" to parse, you should probably change it to something like:

        place    = '"' >> *~char_('"') > '"';
        start    = int_ > int_ > in_stock > (place | attr(""));

    Which means parse any string delimited by '"' (~char_("abc) means: any char except [abc]).

    Sample solution

    Here's a full demonstration showing:

    • Fusion adaptation of the struct
    • the above adjusted grammar
    • using BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG to debug
    • catching qi::expectation_failure to print diagnostics on parse failure
    • using Spirit Karma to print the result of parsing in human readable form

    Output of test program listed below:


    #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/include/karma.hpp>
    namespace qi    = boost::spirit::qi;
    namespace karma = boost::spirit::karma;
    namespace phx   = boost::phoenix;
    struct price
        int chicken;
        int cow;
        bool in_stock;
        std::string place;
            (int, chicken)
            (int, cow)
            (bool, in_stock)
            (std::string, place))
    template <typename It, typename Skipper = qi::space_type>
        struct parser : qi::grammar<It, price(), Skipper>
        parser() : parser::base_type(start)
            using namespace qi;
            in_stock = bool_ | attr(false);
    #if 0
            start    = int_ > int_ > in_stock > -('"' >> char_ % ',' > '"');
            place    = '"' >> *~char_('"') > '"';
            start    = int_ > int_ > in_stock > (place | attr(""));
        qi::rule<It, price(), Skipper> start;
        qi::rule<It, bool()>            in_stock;
        qi::rule<It, std::string()>     place; // no skipper
    bool doParse(const std::string& input)
        typedef std::string::const_iterator It;
        auto f(begin(input)), l(end(input));
        parser<It, qi::space_type> p;
        price data;
            bool ok = qi::phrase_parse(f,l,p,qi::space,data);
            if (ok)   
                std::cout << "parse success: '" << input << "'\n";
                std::cout << "data: " << karma::format_delimited(karma::eps <<
                        "chicken:"  << karma::int_  << 
                        "cow:"      << karma::int_  << 
                        "in_stock:" << karma::bool_ << 
                        "place:"    << karma::auto_,
                        " ", data) << "\n";
            else      std::cerr << "parse failed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";
            if (f!=l) std::cerr << "trailing unparsed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";
            return ok;
        } catch(const qi::expectation_failure<It>& e)
            std::string frag(e.first, e.last);
            std::cerr << e.what() << "'" << frag << "'\n";
        return false;
    int main()
        doParse("1 2 true \"a,b,c,d,e,f\"");
        doParse("3 4 \"a,b,c,d,e,f\"");
        doParse("5 6");
        doParse("7 8 false");


      <try>1 2 true "a,b,c,d,e,</try>
        <try>true "a,b,c,d,e,f"</try>
        <success> "a,b,c,d,e,f"</success>
        <attributes>[[a, ,, b, ,, c, ,, d, ,, e, ,, f]]</attributes>
      <attributes>[[1, 2, 1, [a, ,, b, ,, c, ,, d, ,, e, ,, f]]]</attributes>
    parse success: '1 2 true "a,b,c,d,e,f"'
    data:  chicken: 1 cow: 2 in_stock: true place: a,b,c,d,e,f 
      <try>3 4 "a,b,c,d,e,f"</try>
        <attributes>[[a, ,, b, ,, c, ,, d, ,, e, ,, f]]</attributes>
      <attributes>[[3, 4, 0, [a, ,, b, ,, c, ,, d, ,, e, ,, f]]]</attributes>
    parse success: '3 4 "a,b,c,d,e,f"'
    data:  chicken: 3 cow: 4 in_stock: false place: a,b,c,d,e,f 
      <try>5 6</try>
      <attributes>[[5, 6, 0, []]]</attributes>
    parse success: '5 6'
    data:  chicken: 5 cow: 6 in_stock: false place:  
      <try>7 8 false</try>
      <attributes>[[7, 8, 0, []]]</attributes>
    parse success: '7 8 false'
    data:  chicken: 7 cow: 8 in_stock: false place: