I have a basic controller action, which does a findByKey(). The URL would look like:
However, if the '45' is not present (the params.key), I want to redirect them to just /pin/.
At the moment, when no key is specified, it still seems to display the show action with ALL posts. I'm a bit confused on this.
Also, if I do a check in the show() action for params.key, it doesn't work as expected; my redirect does not happen...even though dumping params, shows no key present.
Here's my show() action:
public void function show() {
if( !structKeyExists(params, "key") ) {
flashInsert( messages = [{ messageString="Key is required.", messageType="error" }] );
param name="params.page" default="1";
param name="params.pageQuantity" default="10";
pins = model("pin").findByKey(
key = params.key,
returnAs = "query",
include = "user",
order = "createdat DESC",
page = params.page,
perPage = params.pageQuantity
Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks, Michael.
It seems this may have something to do with routes? Here are my routes for pin, below:
addRoute(name="pinShow", pattern="pin/show/[key]", controller="pin", action="show");
addRoute(name="pinEdit", pattern="pin/edit/[key]", controller="pin", action="edit");
addRoute(name="pinDelete", pattern="pin/delete/[key]", controller="pin", action="delete");
addRoute(name="pinUpdate", pattern="pin/update", controller="pin", action="update");
addRoute(name="pinNew", pattern="pin/new", controller="pin", action="new");
addRoute(name="pinCreate", pattern="pin/create", controller="pin", action="create");
addRoute(name="pinWanted", pattern="pin/wanted", controller="pin", action="wanted");
addRoute(name="pin", pattern="pin", controller="pin", action="index");
Now, a lot of these routes may seem pointless as they use the same URL pattern as they would without a route, but the plan is to change these in future.
When I hit /pin/show/, without a key, it seems to load in the /pin/index/ controller and action, but still showing /pin/show/ in the URL.
You can clean this up significantly with the verifies()
function init() {
only = "show",
params = "key",
paramsTypes = "integer",
handler = "handleInvalidShowParams"
function show() {
param name="params.page" default="1";
param name="params.pageQuantity" default="10";
pins = model("pin").findByKey(
key = params.key,
returnAs = "query",
include = "user",
order = "createdat DESC",
page = params.page,
perPage = params.pageQuantity
private function handleInvalidShowParams() {
flashInsert( messages = [{ messageString="Key is required.", messageType="error" }] );
As you can see, we add a check to make sure that key
is present and is an integer. If either of those tests fail, the controller runs handleInvalidShowParams()
, which can do whatever you need for it to do.
This keeps the scope of show()
to what it needs to worry about, and other mechanisms in the controller can worry about parameter validation.
Take a look at the 2nd line, which I've added in:
addRoute(name="pinShow", pattern="pin/show/[key]", controller="pin", action="show");
addRoute(name="pinShow", pattern="pin/show", controller="pin", action="show");
addRoute(name="pinEdit", pattern="pin/edit/[key]", controller="pin", action="edit");
addRoute(name="pinDelete", pattern="pin/delete/[key]", controller="pin", action="delete");
addRoute(name="pinUpdate", pattern="pin/update", controller="pin", action="update");
addRoute(name="pinNew", pattern="pin/new", controller="pin", action="new");
addRoute(name="pinCreate", pattern="pin/create", controller="pin", action="create");
addRoute(name="pinWanted", pattern="pin/wanted", controller="pin", action="wanted");
addRoute(name="pin", pattern="pin", controller="pin", action="index");
I believe that will catch the /pin/show
pattern without a key.
As extra credit, I might suggest that you take a look at the ColdRoute plugin and the accompanying screencast series because it makes a lot of this stuff much more trivial.